O.K. people. The genie is out of the bottle. There are tons of women already in the pastor position and yes they have won many souls for Christ. What should happen to those who were led to Christ by a woman? Does their soul remain unsaved because a man did not witness and bring them to Christ and instruct them in the ways of the Lord. Will there be one line for those taught by men and one line for those taught by men? Is the Gospel irrelevant if it is taught by a woman? Timothy was taught by women his mother and grandmother. Paul benefitted from having a young learned man ready to teach others because he was first taught by women. Where was Timothy's father in the equation? Why didn't another man rush in to teach this young man?
Women are usually relegated to teach children, but men take responsibilty later for their salvation. So women are allowed to do the prep work only? We have heard the saying "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."

I ran across an article that asked the question whether women pastors would go to hell. Here is the answer.
If a woman is a pastor does that mean she is going to hell?
by Matt Slick
If a woman is a pastor it does not mean she's going to hell. She is in sin, but it is not a sin that leads to damnation. The essentials of the faith that define our faith and form the boundaries of which a person is excluded from the faith does not include the issue of women being pastors and elders.
The elder, which is what a pastor is, is to be husband of one wife. Literally in the Greek it says, “a man of one woman,” (Titus 1:5-6). So, the elder is to be a man, not a woman. This is not culturally based because Paul clearly tells us in 1 Tim. 2:12-13, “but I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.” So, Paul ties the issue of teaching authority into the created order of God. Therefore, male eldership/pastorship is not a culturally related issue. It is based on the created order of God.
So, if a woman is a pastor she is not damned to hell for this, but she would be in contradiction to the word of God. She also would not be properly believing the word of God and what it says about this issue. How could such a person be trusted to properly represent God's word?
I would believe a woman would be out of the will of God if she sat by and watched a soul be lost in darkness due simply to the fact that a man is not around to teach. If we took a good look at the churches of today, they are not brimming to overflowing with men.
I once heard of a church of elderly women, a group of 7-9 did not have a male to teach them. What did they do? They waited for the only male child to turn 17 and he took over teaching them. Yes, following the letter of the law did not work in the Old Testament either.
If a woman preacher is in sin by teaching the word of God which we all have access to; then the power of the living word is not active. God's word does the saving and instructing. When man corrupts the word it's o.k. but we must make sure that a woman does not corrupt it.
What do you think? Are women pastors headed to hell?
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